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hurt one’s back
摔伤了后背  detail>>
hurt one’s leg
伤了某人的腿  detail>>
no one will hurt you
这里没有人会伤害你  detail>>
back at one
回到原点 梦想成真 强烈推 依然守候你身旁 张的专辑 重新来过 注视你  detail>>
back one
向后一位  detail>>
be on one’s back
卧病,一筹莫展 卧病不起  detail>>
i fell back and hurt my head
我向后跌倒把头跌伤了  detail>>
cry [cry out] before one is hurt
未痛先叫  detail>>
 vt.  (hurt) 1.伤害,刺痛。 2.使痛心,使伤感情,使不快。 3.损害,危害。 Another glass won't hur...  detail>>
they hurt
伤口疼  detail>>
to be hurt
被伤害  detail>>
will it hurt
不知道会不会受伤  detail>>
back to square one
回到出发点 问题回到原态  detail>>
back two square one
扑水冤家  detail>>
be back to square one
退回起点, 从头再来  detail>>
break one’ s back
辛勤工作  detail>>
come back to one’s mind
回忆起某事  detail>>
go back on one’s words
说话不算数  detail>>